Operation Backpack 2011

Thanks for everything you all did to help us make Operation Backpack 2011 a success.  Your generosity continues to amaze us!  Check out this video from Global News!

Operation Backpack 2011

Tonight is the Night!!  Sorry its been so long folks, forgot the log in, but now we are back!  Operation Backpack 2011 Edition is tonight, December 9th at 7PM  Pictures will follow in a few days!

What is StreetLight and Operation BackPack Anyways?

StreeLight is a mobile drop-in centre in the form of a fifth-wheel trailer and it reaches out to the homeless youth in the downtown Calgary core.

StreetLight has designed Operation BackPack as a way in which the community can get involved in meeting a survival need. We ask the community to buy backpacks and fill them with items in which homeless youth need in order to survive. At Christmas time, StreetLight goes out and hosts a big open-air party for all the homeless in Calgary and we hand out backpacks, a hot meal, coffee, and most importantly, HOPE for a better day.

Operation BackPack 2009

Read the Director's Operation BackPack Blog 2009
When finished, click the "back" button to return to this page!

Operation BackPack Video

Turn up your volume and click the following link to experience a little glimpse of what took place right in the core of downtown Calgary. It was something that not only shocked the very core of my heart, but something that I knew needed to be done.


You won't want to miss getting involved in this project because it's truly about someone's survival!


StreetLight has designed Operation Backpack as a way for you to become involved in creating a memorable Christmas for a street kid, as well as assisting in meeting some of their basic needs.
Included is a list of items to place inside a StreetLight Backpack. Simply use the list included below as your guide.


1. Buy a new, sturdy backpack and fill it with these items:

Pair of warm socks

Warm Gloves
5 Adult transit tickets
Shampoo & Soap
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
An Encouraging Note
Brush or Comb
$5 Fast Food Gift Certificate
Deodorant Stick
Chocolate Bar or Treat
Small First-Aid Kit
Memo Pad & Pen
A Pocket Size Bible
$5 Donation (see explanation below)
$5 Donation to StreetLight will help cover the cost for the StreetLight Christmas Party where each youth will receive the Backpack you created along with a Christmas dinner.

Optional Gifts Could Be: Sewing Kit, Small Blanket, Movie Pass, Grocery Gift Certificate (may also replace the fast food certificate), Prepaid Phone Card. The ideas are endless. (Please no medications, condoms or alcohol-based mouthwash.)

2. Next place transit tickets, encouraging note, gift certificate, a completed OBP Participant Form (provided below) and $5 donation in an envelope and insert into a front pocket of your Backpack Indicate Male or Female by securely fastening a pink or blue ribbon to the outside or yellow for a unisex bag.

3. When your StreetLight Backpack is completed, drop it off at:

Youth for Christ
#15, 1725 - 30th Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7P6
Office hours (Monday - Friday 8am-4pm), or call:
403.291.3179 or StreetLight's Director at 403.470.9322 
for other possible arrangements or drop-off locations.

Project Deadline: 1st Friday of December